martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Free Champion Rotation

This week's free champion rotation has been posted.These champion will become free to play starting today November 18th.


SR Open Beta

The update to Summoner's Rift is live in Normals, Customs, Team Builder, and bot modes.

They are also commemorating the launch of the update to Summoner's Rift with two exclusive new icons.


You can earn each icon by winning a game on each side of the map in Normals or Team Builder. Win once on red side? Earn the red side icon. Win the game as the blue team? The blue side icon is yours. Win as red and blue both? You're the You've broken the internet and your prize is the singularity. The icons will be available for the next several weeks and may take a few days to show up on your account.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Big Plays

Welcome to the big plays spotlight! In this feature, I highlight the most epic plays, from meticulously-coordinated early tower dives to mind-blowing cross-map jukes.

In a close game, securing jungle buffs sometimes requires a little creativity and help from your team.

Krimen, a Palt V  Lee Sin main, spot his blue buff in jeopardy thanks to his team's ward coverage Watch as Orianna and Quinn provide backup, collapsing onto blue and foiling the enemy's counterjungle attempt as Lee Sin Q-R-Qs to secure blue and safeguard out of danger.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance

Treacherously murdered, Kalista rose as a specter, twisted by the horrific power of the Shadow Isles. In death, she offers Runeterrans a proposition: surrender your soul to the Spear of Vengeance and she will exact retribution on your betrayers.

The Black Spear

Active:Kalista offers a pact to an allied champion, should they agree, the item is consumed and the pair are Soul-Bound for the remainder of the game. When accepted, the binding enables Soul-Marked, a passive on Sentinel, and allows Kalista to use Fate’s Call when she unlocks it.

Passive: Martial Poise

Rather than cancelling the basic attack animation, a move order hops Kalista in the direction of the click after she completes her attack. Kalista leaps farther when moving away from her target.